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Kaleidoscope Celebrates LGBTQ+ History Month: Honoring Our Past, Shaping Our Future 495 401 cj

Kaleidoscope Celebrates LGBTQ+ History Month: Honoring Our Past, Shaping Our Future

Kaleidoscope Celebrates LGBTQ+ History Month: Honoring Our Past, Shaping Our Future

October is a month of reflection, celebration, and pride for the LGBTQ+ community as we observe LGBTQ+ History Month, from October 1st to 31st. This special time is set aside to recognize the significant contributions, milestones, and struggles of LGBTQ+ individuals throughout history, while also embracing the progress we continue to make towards equality, visibility, and love. All of us at The Help Group’s Kaleidoscope want to take this time to honor the heroes who paved the way for freedom and to acknowledge how far we’ve come together as a vibrant, diverse community.

The Legacy of the LGBTQ+ Rights Movement
LGBTQ+ History Month began in 1994, initiated by Missouri high school teacher Rodney Wilson, who saw the need for a period to reflect on the stories and individuals who have shaped the LGBTQ+ movement. The month of October was chosen to include National Coming Out Day (October 11), and it also aligns with the anniversary of the first and second Marches on Washington for LGBTQ+ Rights, held in 1979 and 1987, respectively. These marches were pivotal moments of visibility and solidarity, demonstrating that LGBTQ+ voices were strong, united, and ready to demand change.

The roots of the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement can be traced back to key events in the 20th century, including the Stonewall Uprising of 1969. On June 28, a group of LGBTQ+ individuals, led by trans women of color like Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, rose up against police raids at the Stonewall Inn in New York City. This event sparked a series of protests and laid the foundation for LGBTQ+ pride parades and the broader fight for equal rights. The courage of those who stood at the front lines of Stonewall still reverberates today, inspiring generations of activists.

Celebrating LGBTQ+ Achievements
LGBTQ+ History Month is a time to recognize not only the struggles but also the incredible achievements and contributions that LGBTQ+ people have made across various fields. From the arts to science, politics to sports, LGBTQ+ individuals have shaped the world in powerful and lasting ways.

In literature, James Baldwin was a beacon of truth, using his platform to explore complex issues of race, sexuality, and identity. In politics, Harvey Milk became the first openly gay elected official in California, advocating tirelessly for the LGBTQ+ community until his assassination in 1978. In more recent times, figures like Laverne Cox and Elliot Page have expanded the representation of trans people in Hollywood, while athletes like Megan Rapinoe have used their fame to champion LGBTQ+ rights.

These contributions are crucial reminders that LGBTQ+ people have always been here, creating art, building communities, and changing the world for the better.

Progress and Pride
While history reminds us of the battles fought and won, LGBTQ+ History Month also serves as a reminder of the ongoing work needed to achieve true equality. Landmark victories like the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States in 2015 and increasing protections for LGBTQ+ individuals worldwide mark major steps forward, but challenges remain, particularly for transgender and nonbinary individuals, LGBTQ+ people of color, and those living in countries where being LGBTQ+ is still criminalized.

Yet, despite these challenges, the resilience of the LGBTQ+ community is a source of constant inspiration. The spirit of Pride—the celebration of our identities, our love, and our right to exist—is as strong today as ever. LGBTQ+ History Month is a reminder that each of us, by living our truth, is contributing to the rich tapestry of LGBTQ+ history.

Looking Forward with Hope
As we celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month, let’s remember that we are the next chapter in this ongoing story. By continuing to advocate for equal rights, support each other, and educate those around us, we honor the sacrifices and achievements of those who came before us. We are part of a legacy of strength, courage, and love—a legacy that will continue to grow as future generations take up the fight for a more inclusive world.

Whether you’re attending a virtual event, learning about an LGBTQ+ historical figure, or simply living authentically, this month is an opportunity to reflect on how far we’ve come and how much further we can go together.

Let’s celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month by remembering our past, embracing our present, and moving forward with hope, pride, and unity. After all, our history is powerful, and our future is bright.

Happy LGBTQ+ History Month! 🏳️‍🌈

With love and support,

Suicide Prevention Month: Helping LGBTQ+ Youth Thrive Through Support and Awareness 495 400 cj

Suicide Prevention Month: Helping LGBTQ+ Youth Thrive Through Support and Awareness

Suicide Prevention Month: Helping LGBTQ+ Youth Thrive Through Support and Awareness

September is Suicide Prevention Month, a critical period to focus on the well-being of LGBTQ+ youth, who face heightened risks of mental health issues due to discrimination and stigma. It is essential for both parents and educators to provide unwavering support and create affirming environments to help mitigate these risks.

Understanding the Risks

Data from The Trevor Project reveals troubling statistics:

  • 39% of LGBTQ+ youth have seriously considered suicide in the past year.
  • 16% have attempted suicide in the same period.

However, there is hope: LGBTQ+ youth with at least one supportive adult are 40% less likely to attempt suicide. This underscores the importance of having a trusted, affirming presence in their lives.

How Kaleidoscope LGBTQ Supports Youth

As we observe Suicide Prevention Month, Kaleidoscope remains deeply committed to supporting LGBTQ+ youth, who are particularly vulnerable to mental health challenges, including suicidality and suicide attempts. Our initiatives are designed to address these needs directly and to foster environments where young people can thrive.

    • Mental Health Services: During this crucial month, we emphasize the importance of tailored mental health support for LGBTQ+ youth. Our counseling services are crafted to provide a safe, understanding space where young people can explore their feelings and navigate their unique challenges. By partnering with Lumina Counseling, we ensure that our clients have access to therapists who are trained to address the specific issues faced by LGBTQ+ individuals. If you or someone you know needs support, don’t hesitate to inquire about our intake process and available therapists by filling out this form.
    • Educational Programs: Another key focus for Suicide Prevention Month is raising awareness and understanding within the broader community. Our LGBTQ+ 101 educational training and our training, which explores the intersection of LGBTQ+ and Neurodiverse identities, are designed to equip adults and peers with the knowledge and tools needed to create supportive, inclusive environments. By fostering a greater understanding of LGBTQ+ issues, we aim to reduce stigma and create environments where young people feel safe and valued. If your agency is interested in participating in this vital work, please reach out to us at [email protected] to schedule a training session.
    • Social Groups: Building a sense of community and connection is also vital in preventing suicide among LGBTQ+ youth. Our social events are designed to be fun, inclusive, and affirming, offering young people opportunities to engage with others who share their experiences. By providing a positive and supportive social environment, we help foster resilience and a sense of belonging. Check out our events page for September and October to find out more about how to get involved and sign up.

Through these initiatives, Kaleidoscope LGBTQ strives to make a meaningful impact during Suicide Prevention Month and beyond, supporting LGBTQ+ youth in their journey towards well-being and safety.

Additional Resources for Parents and Educators

At Kaleidoscope, we thrive on making a profound difference in the lives of the LGBTQ+ youth community and encourage our families to become familiar with organizations such as The Trevor Project, PFLAG, and GLAAD that offer comprehensive information about LGBTQ+ mental health and crisis support as well as insights and educational materials on LGBTQ+ matters.

For Parents:

  • Educational Resources: Books like “The Gender Creative Child” by Diane Ehrensaft offer insights into supporting LGBTQ+ children.
  • Supportive Environment: The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) provides tips for making your home LGBTQ+ friendly.
  • Local Support Groups: Consider connecting with PFLAG or local LGBTQ+ community centers.

For Educators:

  • Inclusive Classrooms: GLSEN offers resources for creating LGBTQ+ inclusive curricula.
  • Anti-Bullying Policies: Strengthen school policies with guidance from The Trevor Project and National Center for Transgender Equality.
  • Supportive Counseling: Partner with LGBTQ+ organizations to provide tailored mental health resources.

Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ youth by fostering supportive and inclusive environments. Your role in this effort is crucial to reducing the risk of suicide and helping young people thrive.

With love and support,

Helping LGBTQ+ Students Navigate Intersectionality in the Classroom 495 401 cj

Helping LGBTQ+ Students Navigate Intersectionality in the Classroom

Helping LGBTQ+ Students Navigate Intersectionality in the Classroom

As the school year kicks off, parents and educators have a renewed opportunity to support LGBTQ students as they navigate the complexities of their identities. For LGBTQ students, the school environment can be a place of both growth and challenges, especially when intersecting identities—such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, and disability—come into play. Recognizing and addressing these intersecting identities is essential in fostering a supportive, inclusive, and equitable environment where every student can thrive.

Here are some strategies for parents and educators to help LGBTQ students navigate intersectionality in the classroom:

Understanding Intersectionality

Intersectionality, a term coined by scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989, refers to how various aspects of a person’s identity (such as race, gender, sexuality, disability, and religion) intersect and interact with one another. This concept is essential in understanding that students do not experience life through just one lens but through multiple, interrelated identities. For LGBTQ students, these intersections can shape their experiences in unique and sometimes challenging ways.

Here are some strategies for parents and educators to help LGBTQ students navigate intersectionality in the classroom:

1. Create Safe and Affirming Spaces

One of the most crucial steps is ensuring that LGBTQ students feel safe and accepted in their learning environment. This includes establishing classrooms as safe spaces where students can express their identities without fear of discrimination or harassment. Educators can set the tone by clearly stating their commitment to inclusivity and by actively using inclusive language and materials that reflect diverse identities.

Parents can also advocate for these safe spaces by engaging with school administration and teachers, ensuring that the school’s policies and practices support LGBTQ students. This might include pushing for comprehensive anti-bullying policies that address LGBTQ issues and ensuring that gender-neutral bathrooms are available.

2. Educate Yourself and Others on Intersectionality

Intersectionality refers to how different aspects of a person’s identity—such as their race, gender, sexual orientation, and class—interact and affect their experiences. For LGBTQ students, these intersections can shape how they experience school, relationships, and self-identity.

Parents and educators must educate themselves on intersectionality to better understand the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ students who hold multiple marginalized identities. For example, a Black transgender student may face both racism and transphobia, creating a compounded experience of discrimination. By recognizing these intersecting identities, parents and educators can provide more nuanced and effective support.

3. Incorporate Diverse Perspectives into the Curriculum

One way to address intersectionality in the classroom is by ensuring that the curriculum reflects the diverse experiences of LGBTQ people from different backgrounds. This includes incorporating literature, history, and discussions that highlight LGBTQ figures of color, those with disabilities, and those from various socioeconomic backgrounds.

Educators should strive to include voices that reflect the diversity within the LGBTQ community, showing students that their identities and experiences are valid and valued. This approach not only benefits LGBTQ students but also enriches the entire classroom by broadening all students’ perspectives.

4. Encourage Open Dialogue and Active Listening

Fostering an environment where students feel comfortable discussing their identities is key. Encourage open dialogue in the classroom where students can share their experiences and listen to others. This helps to build empathy and understanding among students from different backgrounds.

Parents can support this at home by encouraging their children to talk about their day, including any challenges they may have faced related to their identity. Listening without judgment and offering unconditional support are vital in helping LGBTQ students feel understood and supported.

5. Support LGBTQ Student Organizations and Resources

Student organizations like Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) or other LGBTQ clubs provide essential peer support and advocacy within schools. These groups can be instrumental in creating a sense of community and belonging for LGBTQ students.

Parents and educators should support these organizations by helping to establish them if they don’t exist, promoting their activities, and encouraging students to participate. Additionally, making students aware of external resources, such as local LGBTQ centers or online communities, can provide additional support outside of school.

7. Be a Visible Ally

Visibility matters. When LGBTQ students see that their teachers, parents, and other adults in their lives are allies, it can provide a significant boost to their sense of belonging and self-worth. Displaying symbols of support, like pride flags or ally stickers, and attending LGBTQ events can signal to students that you are someone they can trust.

For parents, being a visible ally also means standing up for LGBTQ rights in your community, supporting inclusive policies at the school, and modeling acceptance and respect in all areas of life.



Understanding the Intersection of Neurodiverse and LGBTQ+ Identities

Kaleidoscope is committed to fostering an inclusive environment where neurodiverse LGBTQ+ individuals can explore and embrace all aspects of their identity without fear of misunderstanding or marginalization. Kaleidoscope acknowledges the unique challenges faced by those who are autistic or neurodiverse and who also identify as LGBTQ+. Understanding that the intersection of neurodiversity and LGBTQ+ identities can present additional complexities in areas such as social interaction, communication, and sensory processing, Kaleidoscope is well-versed in providing tailored support and resources. Interested in bringing a training to your school or organization about how to support students at this intersection?  Reach out to us at [email protected] to schedule a consultation today!

Kaleidoscope also offers safe and affirming social events for our young people who are both neurodiverse and LGBTQ. Join us in Sherman Oaks on the evening of Friday September 13 for a FREE fun-filled evening of games to kick off the new school year at our Back-to-School Game Night! Whether you’re a pro at board games or just looking to unwind after a long day at school, this event is perfect for you! Pizza and snacks will be provided. Sign up HERE!


Wishing you a happy and healthy back to school season!

-The Kaleidoscope Team

Embracing Body Positivity During Summer (And Beyond) 495 401 cj

Embracing Body Positivity During Summer (And Beyond)

Embracing Body Positivity During Summer (And Beyond)

Summer has arrived, and with it come visions of playing in the ocean, unwinding by the pool, and soaking in the sun. However, as we welcome this lively season, an all-too-familiar narrative emerges. Advertisements and media bombard us with messages like, “Are you beach body ready?” and “Prepare for bikini season!” These messages insist that only certain body types are worthy of summer enjoyment, prompting many of us to feel pressured to change our bodies. For LGBTQ+ youth, these messages can be particularly challenging.

Redefining the “Ideal Body”
In our society, beauty standards often promote a narrow ideal of what a body “should” look like – and typically present unrealistic views that may be rooted in systems of oppression like patriarchy, misogyny, and racism. These beauty standards may unintentionally exclude and cause harm to many people, especially those in the LGBTQ+ community who may feel that their bodies are not acceptable or desirable. Queer and trans youth face additional pressures to conform to these ideals, which can be particularly challenging when it comes to finding swimwear or clothing that allows them to feel comfortable and affirmed in their identities and bodies.

Challenging the Gender Binary
Swimwear is often designed to reinforce the gender binary, perpetuating the idea that there are only two acceptable ways to present oneself. This can be particularly distressing for trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals, as traditional swimwear can emphasize body parts that cause gender dysphoria—a profound discomfort or anxiety due to a mismatch between one’s biological sex and gender identity. What should be a joyful day at the beach or pool can become a stressful experience or be avoided altogether.

For young people exploring their gender identities, summer can be a sensitive time. They might wonder, “Is it safe to present as my true self in a swimsuit? Will I face harassment in the changing room? Will I be misgendered based on my swimwear choice?” These concerns can overshadow the simple pleasures of summer.

Thankfully, the fashion industry is slowly catching up, with more brands offering gender-inclusive swimwear designed to affirm all bodies. These companies create swimsuits that are comfortable, high-quality, and make everyone feel good about themselves, breaking away from the restrictive “men and women” categories.

If you’re looking for inclusive swimwear options, “10 Best Places To Buy Gender Inclusive Swimwear” is a fantastic resource. This guide highlights companies that cater to all body types, genders, and gender expressions, offering a refreshing departure from traditional swimwear.

Celebrating All Bodies
A body-positive approach can make all the difference. At Kaleidoscope, we are proud to offer a safe space for our youth to show up exactly as they are, in all types of dress, fashion and expression. Embracing body positivity means recognizing that all bodies are beautiful and deserve to be celebrated, regardless of size, shape, color, or gender. Kaleidoscope believes that everyone has the right to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. At our events, youth can connect with each other and share tips about gender affirming clothing, finding gender affirming haircuts and other forms of expression that help them to feel like their authentic selves.

This summer, we invite you to come exactly as you are to our LGBTQ+ Game Night on July 19th at 6pm! Come meet other peers in a safe space and relax with games, music and free food and drinks. We can’t wait to see you there!

With love,

What Pride Means to Us: Celebrating the Voices of our LGBTQ+ Youth 495 401 cj

What Pride Means to Us: Celebrating the Voices of our LGBTQ+ Youth

What Pride Means to Us: Celebrating the Voices of our LGBTQ+ Youth

Pride Month is celebrated every June to honor the LGBTQ+ community and our fight for equal rights. It began with the Stonewall Uprising in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, when LGBTQ+ people in New York City protested police brutality and discrimination during a police bar raid of a gay bar, the Stonewall Inn. The riots are widely considered to be a turning point in the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Pride month is a time to honor the bravery of those who paved the way for LGBTQ+ rights, while also serving as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and acceptance worldwide. Pride Month is the perfect time to amplify the voices of our LGBTQ+ youth and understand what Pride truly means to them So, let’s dive right in and hear from some real-life quotes from our Kaleidoscope participants that beautifully capture the essence of Pride from the perspective of the LGBTQ+ youth community:

“To me, Pride is being proud of and embracing who I am and what I identify as. Pride is who and what I am, and who and what I am not ashamed to be. I am proud of who I am, and that is what pride means to me.”

These words speak volumes about the power of self-acceptance and embracing one’s identity without reservation. Pride is about celebrating every facet of ourselves, unapologetically and authentically.

But Pride goes beyond individual celebration; it’s also about societal acceptance and support. As another youth shares, “To me, pride means the ability to feel cared about by society. It means I can be seen and heard as an individual for my differences and how that builds me as a person. It also means I can feel safer in the world and less like a burden, even for just one month.”

These sentiments highlight the importance of creating a world where everyone feels valued, respected, and safe to express their true selves. Pride is about fostering an environment of inclusivity and understanding, where diversity is not just accepted but celebrated.

Yet, for some, Pride can be a complex experience, as expressed here: “Pride is tricky for me to showcase. It feels like I need to lay my emotions out for everyone to see. But having Pride feels good. Even if I’m too scared to be loud about it, being prideful in who I am makes me feel a little stronger.”

This reflection underscores the nuances of the Pride experience, acknowledging both the challenges and the empowering aspects of embracing one’s identity.

Finally, Pride is a symbol of progress and resilience, as articulated in this quote: “It’s hard to believe that LGBTQ+ people were once punished by law for loving [who they love] or being someone they’re comfortable being. The fact that people fought for the right to be who they are and we’re now able to be who we are more freely is a huge step in the right direction for us and future generations.”

These words remind us of the courageous individuals who paved the way for LGBTQ+ rights and the ongoing journey toward equality and acceptance.

As we gear up for Pride Month, it’s not just about the rainbow flags and vibrant parades; it’s about uplifting the voices of our LGBTQ+ youth every single day. Here at Kaleidoscope, we’re committed to creating a space where these voices are heard, celebrated, and empowered, not just during Pride Month but all year round.

To honor and celebrate our youth, we are hosting our annual Pride Party on June 14th in Sherman Oaks! This in-person gathering is a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth to come together, make new friends, and express themselves freely. Let’s dance, play games, and enjoy music in a welcoming environment. RSVP here!

From all of us at Kaleidoscope, wishing you a safe and joyous Pride Month.

Honoring Mental Health Awareness Month 495 401 cj

Honoring Mental Health Awareness Month

Honoring Mental Health
Awareness Month

As May approaches, it’s time to shine a light on something incredibly important: National Mental Health Awareness Month. This serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of mental health and wellbeing in our lives. Today, we want to focus on a particular aspect of mental health that often gets overlooked—the mental health of LGBTQ+ youth.

For many young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer, navigating the complexities of adolescence can be particularly challenging. From facing discrimination and stigma to struggling with self-acceptance and identity, LGBTQ+ youth often encounter unique stressors that can take a toll on their mental health.

Research consistently shows that LGBTQ+ youth are at a higher risk of experiencing depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers. Factors such as rejection from family or peers, bullying, and societal prejudice contribute to this heightened vulnerability. In fact, studies have found that LGBTQ+ youth are almost five times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight counterparts.

But amidst these sobering statistics, there’s hope. National Mental Health Awareness Month serves as a platform to raise awareness, promote acceptance, and foster support for LGBTQ+ youth. It is a time for us to reaffirm our commitment to creating safe, inclusive spaces where all young people can thrive, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

At Kaleidoscope, we recognize the unique needs of LGBTQ+ youth, and we’re dedicated to providing affirming and inclusive therapy services tailored to their specific experiences. Our team of skilled therapists understands the intersectionality of identity and mental health and autism, and strives to create a welcoming environment where LGBTQ+ youth can explore their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment or discrimination.

Whether it’s providing support for coming out, addressing family conflict, or navigating gender identity exploration, we’re here to help LGBTQ+ youth navigate life’s challenges and cultivate resilience. Because everyone deserves to live authentically and proudly, free from the burden of mental health stigma and discrimination.

Want to inquire further into our mental health services? Call 1-800-779-5100, or email us at [email protected]
In solidarity,

Celebrating Autism Acceptance Month in the LGBTQ+ Community 495 401 cj

Celebrating Autism Acceptance Month in the LGBTQ+ Community

Celebrating Autism Acceptance Month in the LGBTQ+ Community

April marks Autism Acceptance Month, dedicated to fostering ongoing support, empathy, and kindness for the autistic communities. Providing acceptance and affirmation is a significant component of Kaleidoscope’s mission as we offer services for youth across the LGBTQ+ spectrum, with a special focus on neurodiverse youth. This month holds particular significance for us as we celebrate these youth who are on the autism and LGBTQIA+ spectrums.

For young people at the intersection of these identities, there are often many challenges. Understanding and navigating social dynamics can be particularly complex, as autistic individuals may struggle with social cues and norms, while also exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Exploring one’s identity is a fundamental aspect of adolescence, and for youth at this intersection, it can be especially nuanced. Understanding and expressing one’s gender identity or sexual orientation may be complicated by difficulties in self-expression and communication. Additionally, the concept of identity itself may be abstract and complex for some autistic individuals to grasp, leading to a more extended process of self-discovery.

The sensory sensitivities often associated with autism can further complicate matters, especially in environments where LGBTQ+ spaces may be overwhelming or overstimulating. We are mindful of our autistic youth who may have sensory sensitives. This includes being one of the only agencies that provides ear plugs at Pride Events and social events for folks who may be overstimulated by noise, keeping the lights and music low during movie or music nights, and having other sensory materials like fidget toys available to help youth regulate their anxiety or overwhelm.

Kaleidoscope is proud to be one of the few organizations who specialize in providing therapeutic and social support to youth who are both autistic and LGBTQ+, and training parents, educators, and LGBTQ+ organizations on best practices for providing inclusive spaces and support that cater to the unique needs of these youth. Educators, healthcare professionals and community leaders play a vital role in providing guidance and support to help individuals navigate their identities with confidence and resilience.

This month, we invite you to learn more about how you can support LGBTQ+ Autistic youth at our special needs resource fair on Sunday April 28 from 11am-2pm. This is an opportunity for parents and professionals to discover the wonderful resources that Los Angeles has to offer its special needs community. RSVP HERE to attend this free event!

Have additional questions about this event? Please contact us at [email protected].
Would you like to Volunteer at this event? Contact [email protected] for info.

Embracing Trans Resilience: Honoring Trans Day of Visibility 495 401 cj

Embracing Trans Resilience: Honoring Trans Day of Visibility

Honoring Trans Day of Visibility

Embracing Trans Resilience: Honoring Trans Day of Visibility

Every year, March 31st marks a pivotal day in the LGBTQ+ calendar—Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV). It is a day dedicated to celebrating the resilience, strength, and contributions of transgender and gender-diverse individuals worldwide. More than just a day of recognition, TDOV serves as a powerful reminder of the need for visibility and acceptance.

The Significance of Trans Day of Visibility
TDOV was founded to push back against the marginalization faced by the transgender community. It stands as a beacon of hope, urging society to recognize and honor the diverse experiences and identities of trans people. This day is about amplifying voices, fostering understanding, and advocating for equality and inclusivity. In a world where trans youth are up against many challenges, celebrating trans joy and visibility is more important than ever.

Celebrating Trans Youth at Kaleidoscope
Despite facing significant challenges and discrimination, transgender individuals, and especially transgender youth, continue to exhibit unparalleled strength and resilience. Their stories of perseverance inspire and empower others. One trans Kaleidoscope participant volunteered to share her experience at our program:

“To me, trans visibility means feeling genuinely known and properly understood. Seeing other people like me in the media who aren’t {negatively stereotyped} makes me feel safe in the world.

Kaleidoscope has helped me by guiding me through certain issues like loneliness and depression. I have also found new friends and allies through the service.”

Trans Day of Visibility provides an opportunity for trans teens like our Kaleidoscope participants to feel supported and celebrated in their identities. Communities often organize events, discussions, and awareness campaigns specifically geared towards understanding and embracing transgender individuals, a practice often known as celebrating trans joy. For trans youth, focusing on the positive contributions and representations of the trans community can provide them with validation and a sense of hope for the future.

Kaleidoscope is proud to serve the many trans youth who walk through our doors, as well as and provide support to educators, therapists and other support staff who work with trans youth. Want to know what you can do be part of the Trans Day of Visibility movement?
• Educate yourself and your community how to be a good ally and how to best support transgender youth.
•Learn more about the importance of inclusive language.
•Volunteer your time with us, and help be a positive, inclusive role model for our young people. We welcome volunteers ages 18 + who are LGBTQ+ or allies, and are passionate about being positive, inclusive role models for our young people. Email [email protected] with the subject “Volunteer” to get started!

As we commemorate Trans Day of Visibility, Kaleidoscope stands in solidarity with our transgender community—not just on this day but every day.
Let’s build a world where every individual can live authentically and proudly.

With love,

a look at the year ahead 2024
A look Back at 2023 as We Leap Forward to 2024. 495 401 cj

A look Back at 2023 as We Leap Forward to 2024.

kaleidoscope - a look at the year ahead 2024

Kaleidoscope: A Look Back at 2023 as We Leap Forward to 2024.

By Jay Baldwin

Can you believe it’s 2024? As we head into a new year, our Kaleidoscope team is reflecting back on all the wonderful experiences we had serving our LGBTQ+ youth and engaging with the broader LGBTQ+ and allied community and are excited to look ahead to 2024!

In 2023 we were proud to offer multiple social groups to our young people this year, including multiple Movie “Pride” Nights where we featured media with positive representations of LGBTQ+ teens, a smashing Halloween Party with amazing costumes, and an end of year winter party where one of the highlights was participants creating their own LGBTQ+ affirming poetry.

We began Kaleidoscope’s First Annual Youth Council, a group of LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse youth who help Kaleidoscope plan social events for youth, give us feedback on our services, and contribute ideas for future programming. We look forward to continuing to work with these young people in the upcoming year as we build our 2024 programming!

And let’s not forget the amazing time we had celebrating Pride Month, the biggest month for our organization! As an organization that serves LGBTQ+ youth, we were particularly moved by families with children who approached our booths at all our pride events, showed support, and sought out resources for the LGBTQ+ young people in their lives. It has been a very challenging year for LGBTQ+ youth in 2023, and the power of affirming parents and caregivers to change and save these young lives cannot be overstated.

Looking Ahead in 2024

We’re excited about getting the community involved in our upcoming events. Next up, we’re putting a fun spin on Valentine’s day with our annual “Palentine’s” Day Party, an event meant to celebrate friendship, chosen family and self-care with arts and crafts, games, and a pizza dinner. LGBTQ+ youth and allies ages 11-17 are always welcome to attend as well as our amazing volunteers who contribute to making these occasions special.

Our volunteers have been essential in making events and programs like the above possible! As we head into this new year, our vision in 2024 is to expand our programming so that we can reach even more youth and provide them with a safe space to be their authentic selves. Our goal is to provide in-person and virtual LGBTQ+ themed social events and more opportunities to meet up at pride festivals. Want to help us reach our goal? We welcome volunteers ages 18 + who are LGBTQ+ or allies, and are passionate about working with LGBTQ+ youth and their families. Email [email protected] with the subject “Volunteer” to get started.

If you are a young person who wishes to get involved, please join our Youth Council, a leadership program for LGBTQIA and neurodivergent youth between the ages of 15 and 22. Our youth council members provide us with valuable feedback about programming, help out at events, and contribute ideas for new offerings each month!

From all of us at Kaleidoscope, we look forward to seeing you in 2024!

How to Affirm LGBTQ+ Youth During the Holiday Season 495 401 cj

How to Affirm LGBTQ+ Youth During the Holiday Season

How to Affirm LGBTQ+ Youth During the Holiday Season

By Jay Baldwin

The winter holidays are a time when family and friends come together and celebrate, reminisce and make memories for years to come. But this time of year can also be filled with conflict and stress. For LGBTQ people especially, the holidays can bring up particular difficulties. Whether they are visiting family who don’t accept or understand their identity, being reminded of childhood trauma, or struggling with disordered eating, the holidays can bring up anxiety for many queer and trans people.

How can you ensure that your child or an LGBTQ+ youth in your life feels welcomed and safe this holiday season?

Talk to the LGBTQ youth in your life

The first step is to have a conversation the LGBTQ+ youth in your life about the upcoming holidays and any family visits that may be planned. Ask them if they have any stress, anxiety, or worries about the holidays as it relates to their identity. Ask them how you can support them best. Establish what they specifically need during the holiday and come up with a plan if necessary for how you will approach family members who aren’t as supportive or familiar with their LGBTQ+ identity.

Talk to family members and friends

Set aside time to speak with any family and friends who you will see during the holiday season. Let them know you love and support your child and set expectations about what behavior is expected of them. Make it clear that homophobic and transphobic comments will not be allowed.

If your child uses a different name or pronouns than what they grew up with, make sure friends know that they need to use the correct name and pronouns during their visit. Offer grace to people who are still adjusting by practicing with them, and role model how to apologize if you make a mistake with pronouns or name. (Apologize briefly, say the sentence again with the correct pronoun, and move on.)

Treat your child the way you would any other young person

Invite your child’s significant other to the holiday, if you would do the same for a straight child. Treat their significant other with friendliness and respect. Welcome them as a part of the family!

Practice allyship in the moment

An ally is a person who is not part of the community who actively stands up against LGBTQ+ discrimination. Be an ally to your child during the holiday. If a homophobic or transphobic comment is made, speak up and enforce the expectations you have set for the holidays. Make it clear that similar language or attitudes will not be tolerated at your holiday. If an incident turns into an argument or becomes unsafe, give your child permission to leave the room if needed while you navigate the conflict.

If you do not feel it is possible to prevent a conflict around LGBTQ issues with family or friends, consider hosting a smaller gathering without homophobic or transphobic relatives so that your child can experience a peaceful and comfortable holiday with you.

Donate to Kaleidoscope

Not every child has the same amount of resources, affirming family members, or access to LGBTQ+ spaces.  Consider sharing your generosity with LGBTQ+ youth this holiday season by donating to Kaleidoscope and helping us continue our LGBTQ+ affirming programing for our young people in the new year!

From all of us at Kaleidoscope, thank you for being with us for all of 2023. We wish you a safe, happy and healthy holiday season, and a joyous new year!